Letters to the Editor


For the majority of Americans, Father’s Day is a day to celebrate their fathers, who have a profound impact on them. One doesn’t have to look very hard to find numerous studies showing how much influence fathers have on their children, both good and unfortunately sometimes bad.

I was fortunate to have a dad that invested everything he could into my life and the lives of my siblings. He played, imparted wisdom, disciplined us when needed, and most of all loved us. Looking back, he was teaching me so many things through his actions. Most importantly, my dad tried his hardest to imitate the character of his Heavenly Father. He did an amazing job. Was he perfect? No, but when he made a mistake, he tried to make it right. I am so thankful for my dad’s example.

Unfortunately, some people don’t have a dad that resembles who God really is and for these individuals Father’s Day may not seem like a day worth celebrating. However, there is a Father who loves them more than any earthly father can. He loved them enough to send his son Jesus Christ to die for them. So I encourage you this Father’s Day to take time to know the heavenly Father who sacrificed so much for you and loves with the greatest love we can ever know.

Ross Landes

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