Letters to the Editor

To Editor,
Today the position of Street Commissioner is more complex than in the past. The position involves technical knowledge and expertise that an elected official might not have since a candidate for this elected position must merely be 18 years of age and a resident of the City. That means that there are no requirements for education or related experience for a position that manages 18 employees and is responsible for millions of dollars of public infrastructure. Thus, there is the very real possibility that an unqualified or inappropriate candidate would seek and obtain the position. If an elected Street Commissioner is such a good idea, why Is Merrill the only City in Wisconsin to have this as an elected position?
The American “right to vote” is what supporters of an elected Street Commissioner will trumpet. The rational, rather than the emotional, answer to the question of an elected versus an appointed Street Commissioner would be to opt for the appointed position. However, on an emotional level, asking voters if they want to continue voting is like asking gun owners if they still want to own guns. This position needs to be more than a popularity contest, the citizens of Merrill deserve to have the best qualified individual available to fill this position, that is someone with the proper education and experience to provide efficient and effective services.
David Johnson
City of Merrill

Dear Editor,
Walker and his GOP thugs are making their future illegal activities legal through fast track legislation. No surprise there. They are getting bolder because the State Supreme Court will agree with anything they do. The same rich corporate entities have bought all three branches of our state government and the results are obvious.
In light of these recent corrupt activities, I would like to pose a question; a challenge, actually. Minnesota’s government has done quite the opposite of Walker and his gang of rubber stamps. Their economy is the fifth fastest growing in the nation and they are expecting a $1.5 billion estimated surplus. Wisconsin’s economy is lagging far behind. So here is my challenge.
What have Walker and his stooges done that has helped the state?
I admit I am just a touch biased. As a public servant, I have taken hit after hit from these guys, so I have become a bit jaded. To be fair, they have lowered property taxes. The richer you are, the more tax money you save. Typical of GOP legislation. I plan to buy a six pack with my savings, or perhaps a third of a shoe. But truthfully, I am at a loss to list one single thing they have done that has helped the state. I’m sure they have done something, but what? Let’s avoid the lame excuses like, “Voter IDs will protect the integrity of the voting process.” That type of thing is a load of horse pucky and not worthy of debate. I’m looking for something that has actually improved conditions for the people of this state.
Doug Curtis

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