PRMS students recognized

This week Prairie River Middle School celebrated Students of the Second Quarter. At PRMS, Students of the Quarter are recognized for their efforts in being a good citizen, including: Behavior, Integrity, Responsibility, and Discussion. We are proud to acknowledge these students’ positive learning behaviors:

PRMS Grade 6: First row, from left: Brooke Slagoski, Madison Crossman, Tanner Hannemann, Judah Leder, Zoey Sabatke, Drew Semling, Aurora Baumann; second row, from left: Dafney Yates, Lily Grefe, Carla Higgins, Taylor Jacobson, Abby Dalton, Evan Stevenson, and Bradyn Pieper.

Grade 6: First row, from left: Brooke Slagoski, Madison Crossman, Tanner Hannemann, Judah Leder, Zoey Sabatke, Drew Semling, Aurora Baumann; second row, from left: Dafney Yates, Lily Grefe, Carla Higgins, Taylor Jacobson, Abby Dalton, Evan Stevenson, and Bradyn Pieper

PRMS Grade 7: First row, from left: Ashton Voermans, Brennan Schneider, Jonnie Pierschalla-Zastrow, David Golisch, Anika Bartz, Bryce Brown, Riley Fritcher; second row, from left: Ariana Raddatz, Caitlyn Geiss, Megan Proulx, Zoey Olivotti, Olivia Stevenson, and Jackson Fink (not pictured is Clarence Mikalauski).

Grade 7: First row, from left: Ashton Voermans, Brennan Schneider, Jonnie Pierschalla-Zastrow, David Golisch, Anika Bartz, Bryce Brown, Riley Fritcher; second row, from left: Ariana Raddatz, Caitlyn Geiss, Megan Proulx, Zoey Olivotti, Olivia Stevenson, and Jackson Fink (not pictured is Clarence Mikalauski)

PRMS Grade 8: First row, from left: Tanner Depies, Jozelyn Gebert, Drake Cantrell, Casey Cardinal, Austin Laabs, Alexis Crossman; second row, from left: Caleb Stoeckmann, Kyle Stellingworth, Nick Tanck, Gabe Pintor, Erin Murray, Emily Ross, and Jasmyn Moser (not pictured is Sierra Lane).

Grade 8: First row, from left: Tanner Depies, Jozelyn Gebert, Drake Cantrell, Casey Cardinal, Austin Laabs, Alexis Crossman; second row, from left: Caleb Stoeckmann, Kyle Stellingworth, Nick Tanck, Gabe Pintor, Erin Murray, Emily Ross, and Jasmyn Moser (not pictured is Sierra Lane)

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