Superintendent’s Corner: Reflections on 2012

As we move toward the holiday season and the New Year, I feel that it is important, as always, to reflect on the past year and look toward the future.
In many ways, 2012 was a time of great change throughout the Merrill Area Public Schools. In addition to our new school board member and new board president, there are new faces in each of our schools, including in the administration building. While I feel well-settled into my temporary position as superintendent, I know that I am still one of the new people in the district.
We have seen great developments in MAPS, but should also keep in mind that this is a time of development for every school, as we all continue to work our hardest to ensure that our graduates have the knowledge and skills they will need for success in an ever-changing world.
One thing that will not change about the Merrill Area Public Schools is our focus on making the most of every single tax dollar that is invested in our district and providing our students with a great education, which will serve them and our community well.
In looking back on 2012, we can see hundreds of successes in our schools, both inside and outside the classroom. We all have much to be proud of as this year draws to a close. Unfortunately, one recent situation has cast a long shadow over all schools, despite the fact that it took place more than a thousand miles away.
The tragedy that took place in Newtown, Connecticut reminds us of the uncertainty of the world, and of our responsibility, as school leaders, to continue doing everything that we can to keep our students and staff safe. A single column could never be enough to express the sorrow that we feel about the loss of life in Newtown. This situation has reminded us of why we have placed so much emphasis on student and staff safety in the past, and of why these efforts must continue in the future.
Whether its school safety, raising expectations for our students and our staff, working to become even more efficient, or seeking new and better ways to ensure that our students are prepared for the next stages of their lives, one of the hallmarks of MAPS is continuous improvement. This is true in 2012, and it will be true in 2013.
With that, I want to thank you for the kindness that you have shown me and for your words of encouragement and support. I also would like to thank you for your involvement in our schools, and your unflagging support of our schools and our students.

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