Letters to the Editor

Lincoln County Storm-Spotters,

It’s been a while since Lincoln County has seen serious weather move through the area. On Wednesday, July 14, a series of three separate thunderstorms hit the county beginning midday. On two of these events area storm spotters were activated by the National Weather service. Ham radio operators from all over the area volunteered to report on the seriousness of the storms by reporting local conditions from their home or driving to a vantage point to get a better view of the storm’s progress. They were looking for signs of heavy rain, flooding, excessive wind, hail, and evidence of funnel clouds aloft or tornados. Many times Green Bay will see a potential problem on radar and will ask a spotter what he/she is seeing on the ground, or to go to a specific location for more information. This is then passed on to the National Weather Service in Green Bay. These eyes on the ground are partially responsible for the early warnings put out by the NWS. Local ham operators will also be seen helping out at the Relay For Life event held at the fairgrounds the first weekend in August. Stop in and talk to us about storm spotting or amateur radio as you walk around. We will have a Special Event Station set up and will be making contacts with anyone that will talk to us about the walk for cancer. Our call sign for the event will be W4C or “Walk For Cancer.” Please stop and see us. We may even put you on the air.

Thomas Knospe

Merrill Amateur Radio Group


I am writing this letter on behalf of the Merrill Aqua Jays swim club. We are in the process of trying to hire a new swim coach. This fall we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary as a club. We are participants in the Central Wisconsin Swim Conferences. Our club is proud to be a part of the Merrill community and we look forward to celebrating 25 years.

The Merrill Aqua Jays swim club is funded through donations, fund raisers and participation fees. We appreciate all the help from the community in keeping our club going. Now we need you again. Finding a new coach for the 2010-2011 season is our biggest priority. We need someone 18 or older to join our club as head coach November through mid February. Meets are held on Saturdays and pay can be discussed with our club president Tim Micke. Basic understanding of the four swim strokes is preferred. Wed love to find someone with some knowledge or experience in swim coaching but would be happy to help anyone willing to take on the job. Practices last year were held Mon. Tue. Thru. And Fri.s. The new coach may change this if preferred to meet their needs. Please someone step up and help us out. We would love to continue serving the kids of the Merrill area but we need your help. Last year we had 54 swimmers and we are expecting a great turn out this fall. This is your opportunity to help out your community and the kids in it by coaching. If youd like more information or know someone who might be interested please contact Tim at [email protected].

Thank you to all.

Jessica Kildahl

Merrill Aqua Jays

Dear Editor,

Early this year, Senate Bill 324, the Healthy Youth Act, also referred to as the Sex Ed Bill, was passed. This bill requires that any public school district in Wisconsin that opts to teach a Human Growth and Development (HG&D) course (i.e., “sex ed”) must teach the comprehensive sex ed program that Madison has signed into law. Merrill Area Public Schools offers this course and therefore the school board needs to make a decision if they will continue it and make the necessary changes to be in compliance with the new law or if they will opt out of teaching the HG&D course.

We will be circulating a petition stating community members are concerned about changes to the HG&D curriculum under the new law (Senate Bill 324). We believe our students need and want truthful information on a very sensitive subject.

To learn more, the bill can be accessed by entering “2009 Senate Bill 324” into a Google search or at http:/www.legis.state.wi.us/2009/data/SB-324.

There will be a HG&D committee meeting at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 17 at the MAPS Central Office on Sales Street. This is the committee that will be making a recommendation to the school board. There will also be a school board meeting on Monday, Aug. 23 at 5:30 p.m. at the Central Office of MAPS. These are public meetings. You are welcome to attend.

Please feel free to contact any one listed below by looking them up in the phone book of you want to sign the petition.


Karen Cournaya

Dorly Dahlke

Peggy Francour

Brad & Sue Geiss

Bill & Nancy Zeitz



A huge thank you goes out to so many for their help and support in making the 2010 4-H horse fair show a success. Starting with the Fair Board and to the many past and present parents for supporting your children’s dreams of owning a horse and all your extra help in making our 2010 4-H horse show a huge success.

Heidi Gronna and Board members

Less Cancer – More Birthdays!

This is the motto of the American Cancer Society.

On May 1, 2010, we celebrated the life of cancer survivors at the Merrill Eagles Club. We had 33 survivors and 16 guests who enjoyed a wonderful brunch along with birthday cupcakes. Also everyone was entertained by the Golden Glow Quartet from River Valley Harmonizers of the Wausau Chapter.

I would especially like to thank the survivors and guests for sharing their day with us and also everyone who made this event a success.

On Aug. 6 & 7 is Merrill’s Relay for Life at the Lincoln County Fairgrounds, where we will celebrate cancer survivors and also remember loved ones who we have lost to cancer. This event is open to the public of all ages to enjoy entertainment, food, games and friendship to raise awareness and monies for cancer research.

Hope to see you there,

Linda Doerr

ACS volunteer

Merrill all the time and work they put in all year and their continued support of the horse program. Thank you to Debbie Moellendorf, our 4-H Youth Development Educator for all the help and support you provided the horse program this past year. Thank you to all ambassadors who endured a long day of heat handing out ribbons to the kids. Thank you to the horse committee members who stuck the year out and provided a fun day for everyone. Lastly, thank you

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